Documentary / Theatrical / 2011 / 88’
Written & Directed by Thomas Thümena
Produced by Hugofilm Productions in co-production with SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen, SRG
“Everything moves – there is no standstill!” Jean Tinguely’s words weren’t just true for his crazy machines but for his whole life. Twenty years after his death the so-called “bande à Jean“ – a circle of friends and acquaintances – remembers the exceptional artist, who didn’t just break all boundaries in his work but also in his private life.
The film offers a sometimes cheerful and sometimes melancholic view, looking back on an exceptional life, but it is also an invitation to face the challenge of each new day again - because: there is no such thing as standstill.
«Es bewegt sich alles – Stillstand gibt es nicht!» Jean Tinguelys Credo gilt nicht nur für seine verrückten Maschinen, sondern für sein ganzes Leben. 20 Jahre nach seinem Tod erinnert sich die “bande à Jean“ an den Schweizer Ausnahmekünstler, der nicht nur in seiner Arbeit, sondern auch privat alle Konventionen sprengte.
FIFF, Fribourg 2011 / LO SCHERMO DELL’ARTE, Florence 2011 / FIFA, Montréal 2012
FIFA Prix du meilleur portrait 2012
Tinguely on IMDB